Saturday, February 9, 2013


For someone who loves just even the thought of paint, paper, glue and glitter, what is there not to like about Valentines Day? (and of course there is the chocolate  :) )... It's time to pull out all those ingredients and lay them out on the table and get cutting and making paper treasures.  Who doesn't love getting a valentine?   Let those you care about know with just a little gesture.  It doesn't take much and sometimes it can mean a whole lot.  When I was younger, I remember  going to the dime store with my mother,  and buying paper doilies, glue, and construction paper so I could make my valentines for schoolmates.  I had so much fun glueing the doilies onto the paper, and coloring pictures on them.  I loved stuffing them into the homemade envelopes and sealing them with those stickers you had to lick.  You can carry on this tradition.  It doesn't have to be elaborate.  Get out your glue and scissors and slip a special something on someone's desk or mailbox this week.  A smile for you and a smile for them... you know, it's the little things.   People say that all the time,  but you know,  it's true.  Those little things can add up to big things in the midst of daily life.

What I want to try this year is getting some yummy chocolate bars, like the Lake Champlain we have and decorate them with scrapbook papers and jewels and embellishments.  I wanted to also make  heart macaroons and dip them in the melted chocolate drops we carry.   I thought these yummy treats would be a nice compliment to my handmade cards...I will let you know how they turn out.  and then.. I was also thinking of making a mini album with a poem and a few photos.  There are so many ideas for these little books and other Valentine goodies...felt hearts, crochet hearts, knit hearts, heart mobiles and garlands.  I think the brainstorming has begun. Oh dear, I better get busy...stay tuned for show and tell.

Have fun...
with love....and a little chocolate...


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