Today, for the Shorebird Festival, we had a painted watercolor feather garland drop in session, as well as a Needlefelted Sandpiper Workshop. It was a lot of activity squeezed into one afternoon, but squeeze we did, and I just loved seeing what everyone ended up making. All the great garlands and wonderful flock of sandpipers that emerged from the two classes brought a big smile to my face. With just a little bit of guidelines, so many fine finished pieces. Simple projects with simple ingredients on my end, and lots of very wonderful creativity on the part of those who joined us...
Just a side note, we have decided to kit up the Sandpiper project into a kit, and the feather garlands, too. Stay tuned on our website for availability, perhaps by sometime in June, and you can join us here at The Net Loft in spirit.
See for yourself what the day brought forth. It just brings on a huge smile watching a room full of hand crafters busy at play. Painting, and cutting, and poking at fleece and fiber...a busy afternoon in "La La Land" amongst the company of friends, AND
That CERTAINLY is what IT is all about.
Craft away, dear Friends of the Net Loft...and always come show us, or post what you're making, because you know how much we love to share in the excitement.
Happy Making and Creating!
Net Loft Dotty