I can't think of anything I love better than to see people upstairs in our Net Loft classroom, spinning and weaving and knitting and scrapbooking and simply being together making things. It is truly what I love and what we love to do here. It has been very wonderful these last few weeks watching all that has been going on, especially since it took so long this summer to kick things into gear. It's enough to put a smile on your face.
And the excitement continues...
The mushroom festival has begun and we had a film night featuring the film "Mushrooms for Color" by Miriam Rice.here to get it started. Dorothy Beebee is here to teach a class in mushroom papermaking and creating mycostix (drawing sticks made from mushroom pigment). We will be having dye pots out back of The Net Loft all next week if you are interested in trying out mushroom dyeing for yourself. If you are interested in the Mushroom Festival you can check the links below. Karen Casselman will be here next weekend to teach a class on lichen dyeing over Labor Day weekend. It should be fantastic.